Instagram Editorial Design System
Updated Social Media Branding for an Editorial Instagram Post Layout
Art Direction
Editorial Design System
Design Deck Proposal
Instagram is an extension of D Magazine's editorial voice. D Magazine already achieved a brand presence on Instagram with a consistent social routine. The brand presence was achieved by placing the "D Logo" in the far left corner on every photo to increase engagement, views, and brand repetition. This brand presence turned into a strong influential voice to the audience through an updated design system.
The goal was to add that editorial voice on the D Mag site and replicate it onto our social media posts. Creating this for different use cases such as — print to digital content, information-based content, daily blog posts, and pull quote content — had made it clear for stakeholders and users. This worked together by using the same typography, category pages, headlines, and images to create a system transferrable for usage to Canva. Creating clear guidelines on padding, text characters, and logo/design element placement helped our social media coordinator use this system in a fast and swift way.
Before using the design system right before March 2023, D Magazine was at 200K followers. The design system helped today's audience grow to 213K.  

Art Direction from Mark Baker Sanchez
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